This is a lot.

Sometimes I’m a little slow on the uptake. OF COURSE wrapping up your law practice, getting your house ready to sell, continuing a Master’s program, and downsizing your life so that you fit into a van is a lot. And sure, this plan, to the extent there is one, has been percolating in the back of my mind for years, even if so subconsciously that I didn’t realize I was saving boxes in my basement just in case.

But in my daydreaming about it… I skipped over all the actual filling of the boxes, going through my possessions, phone calls with colleagues and clients, and just went straight to the part where I’m on the road, mountains in the horizon. But turns out that there is a lot between here and those horizons.

But you know what I also skipped over? All the amazing people in my life that have shown up to help me through all this.

First is McD, my sweetheart, boyfriend, guy I’ve been seeing for only three months that we haven’t agreed/talked about a label yet. We met through a dating app at a time where I was just looking to distract myself from a broken heart. I showed up for our first date—meeting for coffee and wandering around St. John’s—unshowered and with a baseball cap on. This is how I am 99.9% of the weekend, but after a two hour phone call and constant texting, I felt comfortable enough to just show up as me to meet in person for the first time. (And yes, he still gives me shit for not showering for the first date, but 🤷‍♀️.) I’m sure there will be more on him later (or I hope so, anyway), but the way he has shown up and helped me get the house packed up and keep me on track is simply amazing (sometimes frustrating, but also amazing).

Then there are the friends that are going to take care of my old lady dog, Zuki, while I’m on the road. Then there is my dear friend from high school who is taking all my plants to either take care of them or rehome them. And so much more. The people and community that is showing up for me is just… I’m speechless.

But probably the best part of yesterday was my little neighborhood girls. There are two sets of sisters who live down the street from me, ranging in age from 4 to 10. Throughout the pandemic, we have become friends. It started with us leaving gifts for each other on our porches (I don’t quite remember how that started… but during a pandemic, certain things just happen and somehow make sense). And then continued with them checking in on me almost every day (when you live alone, people—even tiny humans—apparently worry), to now only a couple times of month. In any event, they are special little humans, and I have really enjoyed getting to know them while we have all been stuck at home. So yesterday when McD and I were cleaning out my basement (so…. much… stuff…) and kept finding all these art supplies, he instantly made a box for the girls. On one of our Goodwill runs, we left the overflowing box on their porch (sorry, parents! and thank you!). When we got back from Goodwill, the SQUEALS of excitement and “thank you’s!!!” that greeted us was just adorable. And the mom wasn’t mad at me (phew!), and thanked for me for making the girls so happy ❤️

So as I sit here, drinking my coffee on this Monday morning, thinking of all the things I have to do this week, although I won’t lie and say I’m not overwhelmed, I will do my best to focus on the good things that are her. My community, the squeals of excited children, and the adventure that awaits.



The mask is off (not literally… because… pandemic…).


Leaving when it’s hard, because you care.